dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

what I really think

Erik has anxiety problems to the point where he starts shaking if he has to use the phone. He has almost no social needs. In fact, he could go days without speaking to anyone, no problem. He needs me, he needs his dad, and he likes our friends but seems to have no need to be in contact with them. If you call our house, you can be sure that the one answering the phone is me.

Midwestern-ness, guy-ness, a mild form of autism?

His specialness often drives me nuts. I'm honest and very clear about my feelings, which means I say / yell stuff that others would be in deep trouble for communicating to their partner. But his response is usually to laugh.

Today's insult:
"You're like the kid who eats the hot dog out of the bun and infuriates the mom."

Yesterday's insult:
"Every belief you have that you haven't thought about is wrong. All your old beliefs are total and complete shit."
"How does that feel?"
shared laughter

He never has to be afraid of what I really think because he knows it. That's the specialness of me.


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