dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Friday, March 31, 2006

white brownies, l33t

I have this white brownies recipe which of course I amended--to include half whole wheat flour and half brown sugar. And I put in hazelnuts instead of almonds because I hate hazelnuts, and white brownies is for Erik only.

And I always wanted to put in half vanilla extract (the recipe calls for almond extract only), and today I actually had to, because my cute little brown bottle of almond extract got used up before the teaspoon was full.

So we'll see if he likes it--I licked the mixing spoon and liked it very much. It was a week ago he requested them, and he requests particular foods so rarely that it's sad it took me so long to make them, but I'm now redeemed.

He's been working so much--today's his 18th day straight? Though last weekend was half-days. And no sign of stopping. I said, "You could just keep going until you get sick," and he agreed! I meant that as sarcasm!

I've been saying, "This is the wettest winter I've ever lived through," all winter, and now it's spring, and looks like it might become the wettest spring I've ever seen. Today there was thunder and lightning with a pouring rain. It's raining now too but more reasonably. Well, I could say it's pourning now too, but not buckets.

You don't know how badly and for how long I wanted to know what l33t means.


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