dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Thursday, January 18, 2007

exhaustion II

Today P and I finished the Shiva mound for real. I made a commitment to come water every other day for two weeks, in hopes that will get our transplants through their vulnerable time.

P showed me how to work the sprinkler, and we pulled some privets. Then we helped J muck out a quantity of stinky dead plant matter at one of the ponds. "Where are my noseplugs?" I asked, and they talked about how their sense of smell isn't very strong anymore, now that they're old. I pushed and pulled heavy greenwaste cans. I fetched things. I got all muddy.

This evening much of my body aches, and I'm definitely not going tomorrow. P is going to organize the choir music binders and doesn't need help.

Tonight's the Marxism talk I wanted to attend, but Erik is hiking again, and maybe he won't be home in time. And maybe he'll come home with his own exhaustion.



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