dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

looped in the loops

him: You're so cute.

me: I know you are, but what am I?

him: So cute.

me I know you are, but what am I?

him: I don't know how to get out of that one.

me: Control-Alt-Delete *or* Control-Openapple-Reset.


  • At February 03, 2007 6:58 PM, Blogger Bud said…


    Wasn't that an Apple II thing which caused the Apple II to reboot the disk in the disk drive? I remember doing that now and then when I worked in the computer lab at the school I used to work at. Ah, computing wasn't nearly as high-res back then, but in a way I miss the simplicity of computing with Apple IIs. I still have a few, and hope to get one set up and put to use some day.

    btw, you're cute...

  • At February 03, 2007 8:16 PM, Blogger Laura-Marie said…

    Yes! Control-openapple-reset will get you out of many a jam. I suggest it.

    Btw: I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks back to you.


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