dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, January 19, 2009

poverty --> depravity

This morning we went to breakfast with my friend H and her new boyfriend M. I guess they've been together for a while now, but he was new to me. Actually, it was revealed that he attended a tea H gave a year or two ago, so we were in the same room together, but he was all the way at the other end of the table, so we didn't meet.

We went to Fox & Goose, and it was a bit nerve-wracking to meet M. I guess there's a lot of pressure on me to like him. But I did like him, so everything's okay. I'm bad in groups, so I was pretty uncomfortable, and I'm sure it showed, though I didn't want it to. At any rate, I think all four of us have good intentions, which counts for a lot.

M is a lot younger than H. (In fact, he got carded when he ordered a mimosa.) They're both gamers, so they know one another through that. And they've been friends for years. He went to UC Davis. He lives down near LA right now but is moving back to the area next month.

After breakfast we went to P's place to drop off the manuscript I'd been editing and pick up a new one. It was good to see him. Some finches were visiting the bird feeder he has set up just outside his livingroom window. He told us some of his troubles. His van is leaking coolant. He's working long days on this book. His deadline's February 24th.

Then we went to the co-op for some foods including nutritional yeast. Then we went to this stationary store called Pulp Papery that we had never been to. It's right by McKinley park, this park we go to a lot. So we'd seen it a lot. There were some nice cards there. Erik almost bought a molskine planner that was marked 50% off. He decided to make one for himself instead.

I was feeling angsty about that essay I wrote about my apartment complex, but I've decided the change the last word, so now I feel less angsty. I sent it to my best friend, and she advised me. I changed the last word from "poverty" to "depravity."


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