dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Sunday, February 22, 2009

walnuts, Ghost World, garlic press, speakers

I got these walnuts from Trader Joe's that are already broken up so it's very convenient when I want to bake something. The other day I baked some pumpkin carob chip cookies, and they turned out as tasty as always.

Last night I read Ghost World, and today I gave it four out of five on Good Reads. I liked it very much though at first the characters seemed so abrasive. Other reviewers said how realistic it was and "When I was 18, I was Enid," but I have never spoken that way with my friends. I guess I'm a...lightweight? Prude?

I'm in the middle of making some baba ganoush. The eggplant is cooling. I broke the excellent garlic press making chili the other day, so all we have now is the substandard garlic press.

Wrote a letter to my friend G in Japan. Went to the Carmichael library and got a Ibrahim Ferrer CD we're listening to right now. Got a pair of freecycle computer speakers that have good sound but very quiet. I wonder why so quiet? They're not small.


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