dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Friday, November 28, 2014

we're happy it's raining

We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To nourish the earth.
To nourish the earth.
We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To put out the fires.
To put out the fires.

We went to the co-op,
tra la, tra lee!
to buy an avocado
for you and for me--
mostly for me.

We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To nourish the earth.
To nourish the earth.
We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To put out the fires.
To put out the fires.

We went to the co-op,
tra la, tra loo!
to buy some broccoli
for me and for you--
mostly for you.

We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To nourish the earth.
To nourish the earth.
We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To put out the fires.
To put out the fires.
We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To wash off BOB.
To wash off BOB.
We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.
To nourish our souls.
To nourish out souls.
We're happy it's raining.
We're happy it's raining.


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