a day in Cheyenne
This morning I walked partway around a lake. Ming walked the whole way.
Then we went to a Russian-themed coffeeshop that was pretty cool. You could buy a bike jersy for something like $80 and pretend they sponsered you.
Then we went to the state museum, which is free! I liked it very much. I think it was the second-best museum I had ever been to. (The best is Oakland Museum of California.). The best free one for sure.
Then we went to the train depot! It was pretty. A nice man talked to us, gave us stickers, gave us coupon books, and told us another museum he likes. But I'm kind of museumed out.
Ming wants to go to Nebraska. I don't. He just wants to bag a state.
Tomorrow we leave Wyoming. I am ready to go though have had a wonderful time here. I'm excited about Boulder and Denver but nervous too.
I write this from a fancy restaurant in the Plains Hotel. We had veggie burgers and mushrooms. We listened to the conversation of executives. They are high powered. Me too.
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