dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Yesterday our friend S gave us some runes--runes drawn in black sharpie on lima beans rather than carved in stones or wood.  I think they're cool.  She said kidney beans but they are white and flat.  I think they're lima beans.

So I was reading about runes online.  I read about runes before in books.  I feel slightly intimidated by them.

Yesterday we took our houseguests to Mt Charleston but at some point the car made a bad sound and started having trouble accelerating.  Oh no.  The check engine light came on.

Also we already knew we needed front brakes.  So our car is in the shop.

I bought a big bag of peeled garlic.  I want to increase my garlic consumption.  Ming bought super expensive cherries.  Not summer yet.


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