dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, January 14, 2019

excitement Laura-Marie style

Today Ming made hardboiled eggs and tea, and the propane ran out.  So he nicely switched out the tanks for me so I could cook today.

He's going to his icon painting class, which is strange because he's not Catholic and doesn't paint.  He will be there full time for a week, once in a lifetime chance, $175.

Ho ho, it's the bachelor's life for me.  I have some plans: A movie streamed through the library website.  Going to make some lasagna with mushrooms.  Going out with a friend, staying in with another.  Lounge cleaning party.  Lotsa letter writing.  Maybe I'll clean out the spice cabinet, clean off the shelf by the door, make split pea soup.  You never know what kind of excitement I'll find.

I have some poems in random places.  Once I collect them all and type them I might have a zine's worth, which would be good, something new.

The grackles in the trees outside are singing, if you call that song.  Queso fresco and grapefruit juice is a nice breakfast for me.  I think it'll be a good week.


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