dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Friday, March 06, 2020

collective friends

Here's the banner.  What do you think?  My friend left space for others to add to it.  How about a bunch of mushrooms or merfolk?  Or some skeleton keys and valentine hearts.  Tons of suns.

The radical mental health collective is the only place I can go and feel comfortable about being who I am.  I cried tonight for all the five minutes as I checked in.  It felt so good for them to let me do that.  Accepting my cry as a normal thing.  People cry.  They didn't have to stop me, fix me, change me.  They let me do my thing.  They could handle it.

I can't tell you how good that is for me.  It's not every day I get that.  Places I go, they would want me to stop crying as quickly as possible.  Or crying is like farting.  An embarrassment we pretend didn't happen--people start squirming.  It feels wonderful to be witnessed in a caring but chill way.

The mockingbird outside is singing--I like to pretend it's my friend.  I have some things to do!  I hope I can find the energy.


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