dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, August 20, 2012

today's mostly neighborhood pics

What have you been up to lately?  Yesterday we went to a vegetarian society potluck, where we brought solar cooked rice & lentils.  I think they turned out unusually mushy, but the flavor was okay. 

Last night I dreamt I cut my hair.  I think I might do that.  It's driving me nuts again, maybe five inches again.

Night before last we tried to go to a pirate party, but the facebook start time was incorrect, so we got there way too early.

Then we went to this really neat event at the record store Phono Select, on the back patio, where various people were selling their wares.  Ming's ex-roommates's boyfriend was there--he sews.  I had no idea he sews, and the things he makes are beautiful. We talked for a long time with someone who was selling a skateboard with an Animal Chin sticker on it.  Bones Brigade's Search for Animal Chin was my favorite movie when I was a teenager.

Also, we had a vegan chocolate chip lavender cookie.  I had never eaten such a thing.  I was amazed at its deliciousness.

Yesterday morning we went to church, where Ming took a picture of the altar after flower offering.

This morning we went for a walk that was a total of 50 blocks.  Can you believe it?  Here are some beautiful succulents we saw.

Here's a pole I liked, especially the stickers up top.

And finally here's some street art of a Star Wars thing that we saw on the sidewalk.


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