dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Thursday, August 17, 2017


This morning was our final chair yoga class.  I was emotional to say goodbye.  They canceled it!  They might start an All Bodies class soon.  But we are leaving in one week.

We are leaving in one week!  We are returning to Las Vegas!  I am counting the days!  I am so excited!  How will things be?  I'm intensely curious--so much so that we need a new word for curious.  The "terrified" of curious.

Right now we're in Lompoc.  We were wondering about Unicor, the place the Forest Service signs come from, and I looked it up--it's prison labor!  Wtf!  I told C and she says, "No factory tour."  That is right.

Yesterday I wrote a poem I really like.  It's called "if I was a grackle."

Today I saw and heard crows at a park near the Lompoc branch of Hancock College.  Those oaks!  So amazing and large!  I wanted to photograph the crows but instead photographed some lizards and trees.


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