dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Sunday, September 08, 2019

a cucumber is a fruit

"It's so cold in here!  I need a blanket and some hot chocolate, with marshmallows!" Ming said.

"I never got that," I said.  "Why would you put marshmallows in hot chocolate."

"Better than a sardine," Ming said.  "Or a celery stick.  Or cereal.  I guess cereal is close."

Our friend paid us a visit.  First it was going to be brunch.  Then we decided on fruit and tea.  It was going to be morning, then 2pm.  Then it was more like 3:30pm.

She helped me bind zines.  We talked a lot, but sometimes, I felt too exhausted with spoken language to try.  Rather than explain something, I wanted to write her a letter later.

Will the letter happen?  Not sure. 


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