dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Sunday, May 14, 2006

adventures in veggies

Buddha puja last night was good because I liked the verses Swami read, the worship procedure is comforting, and the prasad afterward was delicious. I didn't get to talk to any of my peeps, but Swami was nice afterwards when I was first in line to shake his hand or touch his shoes. It's the people who are initiated who touch his shoes, and maybe one day I will be like that too.

This morning we went to the big farmers market downtown and had a nice time though brief getting some brocolli, green garlic, green onions, and the main vegetable objective: asparagus, which my friend K gave me a tip for a good way to prepare it. While we were there, the price went from $2 to $1.50 a bunch, which was nice.

We never cooked with green garlic before, so I'm researching it right now. Looks like you treat it like you would a leek, and it's going to be milder than regular garlic.


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