dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Thursday, January 01, 2009

sacred snack gathering

I forgot to say that after the vespers service last night, Erik and I were standing on the loja waiting for P to walk by because I wanted to wish her a happy new year. But Swami saw me and Erik and offered us snacks. Everyone else got there at 10 to watch a movie, and before the movie is sacred snack gathering. Everyone lines up and picks up snacks and puts them into brown paper bags. The mood is somber though seeing a movie is supposed to be a lighthearted thing. The thought of it makes me giggle all year. Swami goes first. So we missed that. So after vespers Swami offered us snacks, and I said, "Sure!"

He let us into the assembly room, and we gathered popcorn, cookies, Bugles, and yogurt-covered raisins. Swami directed us and specifically said, "Take Bugles," which delighted me and continues to. Since then Erik and I have been telling one another, "Take Bugles," in Swami's accent.

Erik told me how when he was little he would put Bugles on his fingers. "I didn't know they've been around that long," I said. I thought they were a new thing.

Swami also gave us some homemade jam. "A gift from the monastery," he said. They make jam every year, and this year it's not labeled, so I don't know what kind. I'm guessing apricot.


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