dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, March 13, 2010

ful day

Yesterday when it was raining, Erik drove me around places. We went to a Mediterranean market, and I found some shelled fava beans there--they were $1.39 per 12 ounce bag, so very inexpensive. They looked old, though--the bags seemed old and the beans seemed dusty, like if you put dusty rocks in a ziplock and left them there for a long time and the inside of the bag would get dusty.

Anyway, getting them home I realized there was a "best by" date, and it wasn't until September of this year! So they should be good. I'm cooking them up right now to make some tasty ful.

Three 12 ounce bags was kind of ambitious, though. I soaked them overnight and half the day. I've got them in two pots. The beans seem to be falling apart like they're supposed to.


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