dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, March 14, 2020

things I want to remember about the Southwest trip to Carrizozo in March 2020

--meeting distant relatives
--the nice artist and the art smell in the gallery
--C's amazing story about her mom's death
--singing Eight Stanzas to Bhavani in the room at Arcosanti all echo-y
--seeing sunset and sunrise on that mesa
--red goldfish in the infinity pond
--that wonderful cook I wanted to hug who put cheese on my pasta
--very solid big tiles at Casa Javelina comforting under my feet
--how fast G drove in the pouring rain in the mountains
--my joy / gratefulness at getting better from the sinus infection, thanking my own body
--crying in the pew at the cathedral in Santa Fe after looking at the bone relics and talking to G about holy art
--how one thing prepares me for the next, experiences build on each other
--how medieval artists didn't know what lions looked like
--the cemetery ritual thanking my matrilineal ancestors for surviving to pass their gifts to me
--digging a little deeper with the abalone shell to find damp clay
--wanting to break off an old yucca inflorescence to gently beat Ming with
--beautiful bright minerals in mineral museum
--saying about the copper "pre-sculpturized for your convenience"
--kissing Ming in the glowy rock room
--getting a grapefruit from the infoshop grapefruit bag
--when G said I was half-white
--when S called me nueva mexicana
--the dream I had where all the little kids simultaneously threw their toys into the sky and the toys stayed in the sky

I'm grateful to Ming, G, my credit card, people who built the roads, socialism, all the restaurant workers, petrol people, rain, my ancestors, God herself, and everyone who made the trip possible.  Thank you.


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