dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Sunday, March 26, 2006

a joke and two walks

I found three quarters on the bed and gave them to Erik. If you're trying to pay me for sex, it's going to cost a lot more than this. But all his money is mine, so he couldn't pay me in money.

Yesterday on our walk down Professional, I found a card of trivia from a Star Trek game in the gutter and asked Erik all the questions. He got them all right except the last one. Then I stuck the card in a twining vine.

On our walk today, the Professional sign blew in the wind, which felt dangerous. I said it would be a horrible way to die, decapitated by the Professional sign. Decapitated by capitalism. It's dentistry row over there, with some day spas thrown in. And the oral surgeon with such a high-class waiting room where I got my wisdom teeth out for a thousand bucks last year.

Anyway, the trivia card was still stuck in the vine, and we were surprised. Maybe it fell and someone like me put it back in.


  • At March 27, 2006 9:00 PM, Blogger redbird said…

    I love this account. "Decapitated by capitalism"--wow! And the card lifted out of the gutter and put in the vine. I want to be asked the Star Trek trivia questions! You've kept all your wisdom though your teeth were pulled. What do oral surgeons do with wisdom teeth, anyway? I mean after they are out? Is it just a lot of tooth dust or fragments--or full teeth? Do you think dentist types have to sleep on very broad pillows to accomodate all those fairy-money making teeth?

  • At April 23, 2006 11:44 PM, Blogger Laura-Marie said…

    If they're impacted, they're fragments, but if they grew in, they're whole. But my three I got out were impacted, and the one I didn't get out was not pulled. Not impacted. I am way too tired to try to explain anything. What I mean to say is, they won't give them to you! They're biohazards! And no, they do not put biohazards under their pillows, you silly redbird!


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