mutant tree CSET
Today and tomorrow I'm scoring CSET at mutant tree. The new thing about it is that Erik is doing it too, for the first time, so I get to adjust to having him there for the walks I take on my breaks and for lunch. He will be anxious today, like anyone would, starting work at a new place. And it's hard for me to see him anxious, because I rely on him to be steady and stable for me.
Anyway, it will be different to be Out all day as oppsed to lately being In all day. And I'll earn some money and hopefully do some writing. I always write there, during the training. I feel moved to discuss some particular things that I've learned about myself lately. I'm thinking of making an issue of the zine that's all dark stuff.
Last night I dreamed we moved into a house with about 40 other people. Included was a huge wealthy Latin-American family. The place was our last choice and seemed to be haunted. The shower would turn on by itself, hot water only.
Anyway, it will be different to be Out all day as oppsed to lately being In all day. And I'll earn some money and hopefully do some writing. I always write there, during the training. I feel moved to discuss some particular things that I've learned about myself lately. I'm thinking of making an issue of the zine that's all dark stuff.
Last night I dreamed we moved into a house with about 40 other people. Included was a huge wealthy Latin-American family. The place was our last choice and seemed to be haunted. The shower would turn on by itself, hot water only.
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