dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, June 07, 2008

they always do this when I come home

Yesterday we went to Cost Plus World Market so Erik could look at tea infusers. They didn't have the kind he wanted. I bought White Rabbits--I wish I had a scanner and I would scan a wrapper for you.

I've been reading a book called The Family on Beartown Road by Elizabeth Cohen. It's a memoir told by a woman who is raising her baby while taking care of her dad who has Alzheimer's.

This morning I made a mango fruit shake for breakfast. It was the first time I had made fruit shake in years. It tasted like a delicious ice cream, but it's made with vanilla yogurt, frozen mangoes, a little wheat bran.

Today Erik is at an all-day retreat with a Zen Buddhist named Reb Anderson. Erik says he's afraid of Reb Anderson because he's so smart. He made someone cry. "Then why are you going?" I said.

Today I have choir practice, which is a bit of a joke because my voice is still croaky. But I intend to go. I have to go to Vedanta anyway, to make two tapes for a devotee J. Thursday she came wanting to pick them up, but it was just after 4--I had just closed--and the tapes weren't made yet because no one left a note in my box saying I needed to make them. The person who took the order didn't know to put a note in my box. Communication is poor.

Some neighbors are fighting this morning. The angry edge in the woman's voice makes me feel discontented. I guess today I'll find myself writing letters so I have someone to talk to, and answering all my emails.


  • At June 08, 2008 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just visited World Market for the first time (which is shocking because I love all the international candies and cookies!) and I got the White Rabbits too! I love how weid they are, like milk candy :) A friend gave them to me some time in the past and I had to revisit them.

  • At June 08, 2008 1:31 PM, Blogger Laura-Marie said…

    Hi, Niku! Thanks for reading my blog. I first had White Rabbits a few years ago at my workplace back when I worked at the grading factory. There used to be candy bowls, and some Team Leaders had White Rabbits. When I saw them at World Market I was happy to read the ingredients list--most candies have artificial or otherwise yuckie stuff in them, but I'm impressed by the four ingredients.

  • At June 10, 2008 12:31 PM, Blogger Jason said…

    My boss brought White Rabbits back from China last week and they are sitting in the office kitchen right now. I had one. They remind me of vanilla Tootsie Rolls.


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