dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Prakrtim paramam abhayam varadam nararupa dharam janatapa haram

This morning I went to the doctor. He upped my dose on one of my medications and lowered the dose on another. It was fine. Erik is upset about the changes. He thinks I should get another doctor. I would need to fill out a change of provider request form. I don't know that I will.

We went to the farmers market for apples, mandarins, green onions. We walked through the whole farmers market to scope out the prices first and then made another round to actually buy. The apples we bought no pesticide--apples are on the organic list.

Then we went to Whole Foods, where two excellent things happened. Erik pointed out to me some vegan doughnuts in the bakery area. I had never seen them before. But I knew they were supposed to have vegan doughnuts because I had been at the website of the company they makes them. The other excellent thing was finding Tofurkey's vegan feast on sale for half off. So we got one of those. I went to make it this evening for dinner, but I found out you were supposed to let the roast and gravy thaw for 24 hours in the fridge. So I plan to make it tomorrow night.

So the doughnut--I hadn't had one in months, since I went to a Krispy Kreme with my dad when we were visiting.... I was completely delighted. It was one of the best doughnuts I'd ever tasted. It was vanilla with nice icing and pastel sprinkles. It cost $2.29. I will get more doughnuts other days.

Then I had choir practice. That was fine. We're singing one of my favorite songs for Holy Mother: Prakritim Paramam. We found out it was someone's birthday and sang happy birthday to him.

In the evening I made soup. It's a variation on "Gypsy Soup" on page five of the Moosewood cookbook. It's sweet potatoes, garbanzo beans, peas, onions, garlic, spices. It's very good. It was my first time cooking with sweet potatoes, and I love them.


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