dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Sunday, May 31, 2009

spring cleaning at the martial arts studio, zines

Yesterday morning we went to Sacramento Bushido-Kai to do spring cleaning. Erik and I cleaned the mats, which took the whole two hours. It was fun and pretty hard work. Other workers did vacuuming and washed the windows and the mirrors, removed spider webs, and other stuff I didn't really see--washed the door frame, for example.

Then we spent the rest of the day at home. We made chickpea cutlets. I read zines. I printed out all of Erik and LM Magazine #45, and Erik read it out loud to me, proofreading. It's your standard Erik and LM Magazine--lots of poems, some autobiographical essays, book reviews and zine reviews. The zine reviews got no contact info, which I've had one reader complain about in the past, but I guess everyone knows how to use google.

Today Erik is hiking. I plan to make all the edits on Erik and LM #45 and do layout. My friend who says she'd make a cover might or might not come through, and if she doesn't, I have a plan b.


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