dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Friday, April 16, 2010

from a walk a few days ago

M: There's some Canadian geese.
P: Look at the ducks.
me: Those are geese.
P: Oh, they're geese.
M: There are geese and ducks.

Before this we'd seen a wild turkey and M did a special turkey call on it, and it started talking back. "It relaxes them," M said.

"How did you learn to speak turkey?" I asked. He said he learned it by watching a hunting show.

P has trouble with her legs and is 74 years old. She had to take a rest. She sat on a curb.

Then she needed to take another rest sitting on another curb. A ranger drove by in his truck and stopped to ask, "Is everything all right?"

M said, "She just needs a rest."

Then she was feeling weaker and weaker, and we found her a mossy rock to sit on. "Maybe you'll need to go get your car and pick me up," she joked.

"Do you want me to?" I asked.

"Would you?" she asked.

So I went ahead by myself and got the car--M stayed with P. P is his mom.

When I pulled up and they got into my car, M immediately noticed the picture of Ganesha. He told me he used to dream of Ganesha all the time, and then P showed him a picture of Ganesha in a book.


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