dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Up sleepless--I had caffeine yesterday recreationally, or at least tactically--my energy has been so low, lately, and I knew I needed to facilitate the political prisoner letter writing night.  So I had a cafe mocha late morning after researching how much caffeine is in a shot of espresso vs a cup of coffee.  A shot of espresso has less, according to my research, which surprised me.

I am tired but restless and awake.  I ate a delicious sandwich.  I'm drinking cold brew mint tea, mint tea with other things in it, the dollar store kind.

Ming and I are getting ready to go on a long trip north then back south then east.  It will be amazing, I predict.  If I can just keep my energy up, and if I can be social enough.

Last night was Las Vegas political prisoner letter writing night #2.  I did a good job facilitating it, I think, though two people complained there were no women prisoners on the list.  I don't make the lists fresh myself--I take them from the internet.  So that's not an excuse but is an explanation.

Anyway, the coffee or caffeine or something made me sick to my stomach, but was it worth it to be awake and functional for political prisoner letter writing night?  Yes.


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