dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, August 20, 2016

talk like Yoda I do

This morning we went to the track for a walk.  Then we went to the store for some chonies.

Ming is constantly fixing things, improving things, cleaning up.  I couldn't be more grateful.  I'm bursting with it.

I spend a lot of time writing letters.  I was trying to catch up and read my backlog of letters from L in Manchester and write back to them.  That's a project.  My projects are silly compared to Ming's, sort of.

I have a vision for my next poetry zine.  I want it to be printed on pink homemade paper with a silkscreened cover.  Or a linoleum block print.  In purple.  But I can't afford all that.

I will get as close as I can to my vision way cheaper.  It will be pink.  It will be bound with red thread.  This I know.


  • At August 25, 2016 9:37 AM, Blogger Mandy said…

    Have you ever done printmaking with Styrofoam? You can buy Scratch Foam at an art store and it's easy to use.


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