dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, March 16, 2020

anxiety is normal

Ming was telling me toilet paper represents civilization.  People want to hoard toilet paper because they want to hoard civilization.  They think it'll keep them safe.  Of course, there's no safety.

I want to get a Master's degree in dystopian armageddon.  My thesis could be about toilet paper.

This is my new zine--Lost Child 4.  I believe in it.

I wanted to learn a tiny bit of Korean because Ming and I make our photocopies at a place owned by Korean people, or Korean-American people, and we really like them.  They speak Korean to one another a lot, in the shop.  I wanted to shock them by thanking them one day in Korean. 

The only languages I ever studied are Spanish and French.  I know the tiniest bit of Thai from some Thai friends I had in high school.  And then I know a bit of Sanskrit, from singing it.

So this was my first actual lesson in an Asian language.  Korean sounds good.  I could mimic the words ok, but they wouldn't stick in my head.  I think I'm more of a visual learner than before.  Without something to look at, I felt a bit lost.  It was cool to try, though.

Therapy today is online.  Never did that before.  I attended a UU church service yesterday over zoom.  I liked it way better than regular church.  I liked the checkins but was unprepared for how emotional everyone would be about the pandemic.  Like I needed to do a shielding exercise beforehand so their fears wouldn't go on me.

Anxiety is a friend I've known for a long, long time.  We walk the path together, arm in arm.  Anxiety is normal.

I have some tricks up my sleeve.  I want a tons of art to nourish my soul.  I want to cook a lot.  We ate some veg from our garden last night--tree collards and chard in our pasta.  Even if it's just a token, I love it.


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