dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, January 06, 2007

don't overwhelm people

Today I drove the truck myself for the first time since we jumped it and got it running again. It's a little rough going into second gear but otherwise just fine. I drove myself to choir practice today.

My truck is like an old friend. I like the vantage point a foot or two higher than the car. I like the way it smells and the rumbling motions, the little squeaks. I like the way it responds and handles so differently from the Civic, which is comparatively so fast and darty. But the truck is substantial and feels solid (even though it's actually more likely to roll).

The truck only has a tape player, and there are certain tapes I keep in there and hear over and over again. I like that about it too. There's a quirky way the windshield wipers come on at the slightest nudge, and the turn signal gives only the faintest sound, so it's easy to leave it on. It takes a couple tries to start it when it's cold, and I drove it on the backroads to and from teaching when we lived in Bishop. I associate it with freedom, solitude, taking care of myself--open spaces and cows.

I'm always thinking of titles for plays, and this morning I thought of Don't Overwhelm People, a play in 19 acts. I told Erik, and he said it would be better Don't Overwhelm People, a play in one act that lasts 19 hours, with 5,011 characters and five stages. We laughed for a long time, and that's one of the reasons I love him. Today's our seven year anniversary of being officially together.


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