dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Friday, January 11, 2008

ebay saga

My best friend doesn't read my blog, so I will tell you the saga of buying her Christmas / birthday present.

My best friend's favorite painter is Kandinsky. So I wanted to get her a Kandinsky gift. On ebay I found some magnets. So I bid and won. It was December 3rd. I thought they would arrive in plenty of time for Christmas. But they didn't.

So I found the seller's email address and emailed her. No response for about a week. Then I tried emailing again. This time I heard back: she said I should have received the magnets by then and said she'd get some in the mail right away.

My best friend's birthday is January 19th, so I figured I would just give the magnets as a birthday present since we missed Christmas.

So yesterday I get the magnets in the mail, with no invoice or note or anything to indicate why they were sent to me, and guess what? They're magnets of Klimt paintings! Also, they're obviously homemade, which is fine in and of itself, but the print quality is horrible. Everything's purple!

So I emailed the seller again and told her about the mix-up, and she said she'd get the correct magnets in the mail. I have no faith that the magnets will be of okay print quality, so I've moved on and bought new birthday presents for my best friend.

All of this has left me with bad feelings about ebay.


  • At January 11, 2008 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Did you check the seller's rating? I used to always check that before making a bid. I no longer buy anything on eBay because it had become an addiction (and expensive). But out of about 250 transactions I only had one that I was unhappy with. It is possible to get great deals if you are careful.

  • At January 11, 2008 6:25 PM, Blogger Jen said…

    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. That was a good idea for a present, too.

    Anyway, I'm mostly here to introduce myself--you left a note on my blog, Glitterlessgold. : I'm glad you don't mind I added you; I guess I should have asked first, eh? I have a couple of your zines (functionally ill: becoming bipolar, and Erik and Laura-Marie Magazine no. 40). I think we might have traded awhile back, maybe on Livejournal's Zine Scene. Issue #3 of my zine, I'm Bitter, deals with my four days in a psych ward. Does that ring a bell? Anyway, your blog is very interesting and a veritable treasure trove of zine links. I'm trying to publish mine with more regularity and with higher quality, and am digging around online for inspiration. So...um...there's my introduction, I guess. :)

  • At January 11, 2008 9:57 PM, Blogger Laura-Marie said…

    Hi, anonymous. I think I remember the seller having an okay rating. It's good to hear you had only one bad transaction out of 250. But I'm sorry about your addiction.

    Hi, Jen. No, I don't think it's necessary to ask before linking to someone. I don't ask! But it's good to know who you are. Thank you for reading my zines and enjoying my blog. Yes, I have a good list of zine sites here.


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