dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, August 05, 2013


Trying to find an inexpensive place to stay in Vancouver three nights and Spokane one night.  We've tried couchsurfing, hostels, and Airbnb.  We are not having the best luck.  But I think we'll find something today.

I just ate a yellow plum.  It was good. 

BOB is having an electrical problem.  It's a brake light--it would not work. Then it was stuck on, and now it's back to not working.  We'll bring it to the mechanic tomorrow morning. 

I want to tell you something wonderful, but there has been a lot of stress around here lately.  A pipe was leaking into the wall, down into our neighbor's apartment, and the landlord and his dad were here yesterday with a SawsAll and other loudness.  I hid in the bedroom, working on my Erik and Laura-Marie Magazine anthology project.  I think the finished zine will be huge, and I am starting to wonder what I've gotten myself into.

Now I'm going to start working on functionally ill 16.  Wish me luck!


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