dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Sunday, May 10, 2015


We have a houseguest who is here for a few days, maybe a week.  He was on the Western Shoshone walk / run and needs to get back to Big Mountain in Arizona in a while.  But he has a problem with his toe--he does't know if he just dislocated it or broke it or what.  So maybe he needs to get someone to look at it.

He has bought us a lot of things, like quinoa cookies, a car blessing crystal, lunch at a taco truck, and an energy bar flavored with orange and cranberry.  He is generous and kind.

I've been having neck pain.  Last night it was keeping me awake.  I don't know what I did.

But our friend V is coming over and will be here soon.  I don't know what we'll do--just sit around and talk, maybe?  Eat quinoa cookies?  I have some lemons I need to use.  I've been intending to make lemon cookies for a while.

This morning we went to the Food Not Bombs serving.  Our houseguest made fruit punch.  So we brought that.  Ming helped hand some out in paper cups.  Mostly we just stood around in the shade or sun.  We were offered food and didn't eat any.

I need some downtime and will be social for an hour or so more then retreat.


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