dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, November 27, 2017


Last night we had dinner with A at the pupusaria to celebrate his last day of work.  He's a massage therapist, and he works poolside.  The pool is closing for the season.

I was tense.  I kind of almost had a panic attack at the dollar store yesterday.  So he massaged me, and it did me a world of good.  He massaged Ming too, with a rock.  And when we left, he was massaging one of the workers at the pupusaria.  She came out from the back.  I guess she was in pain.

Now this morning we're doing a Costco shop for the Catholic Worker.  Then we go to A's place to pick him up and we're going out to the hot springs for a hot springs day.  Yay!


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