dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Friday, June 23, 2006

leaving home

It's supposed to hit 108 here today. Luckily, we are leaving for the weekend because the weekend's supposed to be even worse. Earlier, Sunday's high was predicted to be 112. No, we do not live in the desert. And no, it is not a dry heat!

So, we are going Out of Town with some housesitting duties such as feed the dog, feed the fish, water the garden, get the mail, get the paper, and let the dog in the house at night and put her out in the morning. I will get to see my special someone all day Saturday. And I will get to see other special people Sunday. So it will be very nice to hug loved ones.

I have been enjoying yogurt with some wheat bran stirred into it, lately. This morning I had the misfortune of burning my finger on the ceiling of the toaster over. Does a toaster over have a ceiling? You know how when you get burned and you don't know how bad it is? Like it could be something very slight and inconsequential, or it can be something that smarts for days. How mysterious this is.

I have received first-rate, world-class mail these past two days. I have been blessed with lovely letter writing friends. One even sent me something she knitted. Yet my saddness remains.


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