dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, June 19, 2006


I am so lucky to have such interesting, smart, caring friends. I feel I spent half the day on the phone, though it was not--it's just that talking on the phone takes me a long time to process. My mind is full of the ideas of dear others. Now I'm sleepy, and my neck hurts.

We fell in love with this cheese at Trader Joe's that has basil and sun-dried tomatoes in it. Have you seen it? Well, it's a really easy way to make just about anything taste good. Like a salad, or eggs, or anything non-dessert and non-Asian, really.

Suddenly I was in the shower and it hit me that the work is running out and at the same time hit me how much money we have in the bank, and that wonderful feeling I had earlier went down the drain with the soapy water that I had just used to wash my hair. Damn it! But I have faith. It's only money. The worst that can happen is we'll go into debt again. We'll never be homeless because we have family who love us. So money fears are scary but will not lead to actual demise.


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