dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Thursday, August 21, 2008

breaking the silence

The nicest thing that happened lately is that someone came to wash the blood off the stairs. It had been dripped on the staircase when a neighbor cut his hands by smashing a window, a few days ago. But someone came to wash it--they missed a few places, but it's much improved.

Erik and I watched a BBC version of Dorothy Sayers' mystery Gaudy Night. We got it from the library. It's really well done, suspenseful. The romance between Harriet Vane and Lord Peter Wimsey is a bonus.

Last night was women's writers group. Beforehand we had dinner at Fox & Goose Pub. H and I both had veggie pasty, which is served with Welsh rarebit sauce, my favorite. We were going to have dessert too, but drunk people were so loud and noisy that we had to leave. H gave me a drink of her beer--I hadn't tasted beer in a long time.

Right now Erik is at the fair. He's not interested in rides but in seeing the sights, like seeing the animals. He's going back again tonight with his friend T.


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