dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Monday, September 08, 2008

volunteering, recorders, mystery shows, vegan food

Today I met with Swami about two topics: working at the library, and working on tapes and CDs of lectures independent of my work at the bookstore (the way things are now, I work on tapes and CDs of lectures as part of my bookstore job). The meeting went well. As we parted have gave me some prasad cookies, two--I gave one to Erik, who was waiting for me by the Krishna pond.

So it looks like I'm going to start working at the library. We're converting from card catalog to computer, so the work is data entry, I guess. I think I should be okay doing it for an hour a day, most weekdays. I just need to get R to train me. I gave Swami my phone number to give to R, but he hasn't called me yet about setting up a time to train me. I thought it was odd that Swami didn't have my phone number handy. He always communicates with me through P.

A few days ago I posted a freecycle ad asking for a recorder and sheet music. I didn't get any replies except for a reply from a person who belongs to the Sacramento Recorder Society just talking about recorders with me--he or she (not sure on gender from the name) said they see recorders at yard sales and Goodwill. So Erik and I went to Thrift Town today, looking for a recorder, and came up empty-handed. Anyway, the helpful person says it's possible to get a decent recorder at a music store for only $12. That's a heck of a lot cheaper than a bassoon! So maybe I'll do that.

Today we finished watching a BBC mystery show we've had out from the library. It's so well done. It's based on a Dorothy Sayers book called The Five Red Herrings. It was done in four episodes. We've requested another from the library (a couple weeks ago we watched a different BBC Dorothy Sayers mystery called Gaudy Night).

Erik and I have tried some vegan sour cream that's really good on our baked potatoes. I've also been eating some vegan cookies made by local company Sun Flour Baking Co, and they're super tasty. I want to see if Erik will take pictures for me, and I'll write some reviews, maybe tomorrow.


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