dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Saturday, June 30, 2018


I found out my thyroid level is high.  I need to research all that now.

This morning we got up early to serve the hungry.  I did cream and sugar for Saturday coffee.  People were appreciative.

Then we had our weekly meeting.  It was good.

Now Ming is street medicing at a protest.  It's about the little kids being separated from their families by ICE.  Who could be so heartless?

Friday, June 29, 2018


We're housesitting again.  Weird dreams. 

We could go to the farmers market.  We could go to the special bakery.

Tonight: ecstatic dance.  But it will be hot.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

cute flute

I got this cute little flute at my favorite bookstore yesterday.  It's pink.  I can play a couple songs on it.  It's sweet.  I can't find a fingering chart for it.  So I have to make my own.

I need to go soon.  I need to dress and go to the weekly peace vigil.

Our friend went to some kind of estate sale, or maybe the things were free? and got me some measuring cups.  The measuring cups of the dead.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Oh, I failed to blog yesterday.  I've been reading host ads for this website called Workaway.  It's like WWOOFing but it's not just for organic farming but all kindsa work.

Ming slept in this morning and missed picking up a friend at an appointed time.

I ate some cereal.  I'm thinking of the rich possibilities of this world.

Monday, June 25, 2018

don't let the turkeys get you down

This morning we do a big Costco shop for the Catholic Worker.  It's Monday.  Then I have therapy at 10.  Where do I even begin?  I think I'll lose my voice.  Then at 2 Ming sees a journalist.

I think I'll call the doctor because I've been having some problems with swelling in my ankles and feet.  I'm afraid it's my blood pressure because I used to have high blood pressure and they'd always want to check my ankles.

Speaking of health things, Ming has sleep apnea.  He used his new cpap machine for the first time, last night.  Maybe it'll save his life?

I've been low-energy, weird, and sad because of the drama among the anarchists.  Sometimes I feel like moving away.  But we have the Catholic Worker community and our meaningful work. 

Facebook is making me sick.  Relationships can be confusing.  But I will try not to let the turkeys get me down.  That's what my eighth grade English teacher told me in my yearbook.  I adored her.  "Don't let the turkeys get you down."

Sunday, June 24, 2018

my attitude

I've been writing emails and letters and getting stuff done.  Woke up early and ate some cereal.  I was having pain in the night from my pinched nerve.  I try to drink a lot of water to lubricate my fascia.

When I get stuff done early in the morning it feels good.  Replying to people.  Keeping relationships going.

R is up, watering his non-growing sunflowers.  Maybe I should take a closer look.

I have a good attitude about our transmission-related credit card debt.  I feel we will pay it off in no time!  I like my attitude.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

lotus bud at the ashram

at Mt St Mary's in Grass Valley

A feeding Ming a plum at the ashram in Sacramento

love on Mt Tam

Mt Tam


Here's A in Berkeley with San Francisco in the background across the Bay.

fixed a flat

Monday I was playing A's guitar.  I'm working on "Two-Headed Boy." Guitar feels great.  R said he'd help me buy one.  I mean he'll go with me to make sure it's good.

So, we journeyed.  The kirtan concert on Mt Tam was magical.  So was seeing Swami.  So was A getting to swim in a river for the first time.  It was the yuba river.

Then on our way home we got a flat tire in Tonopah at 1 am.  We ended up sleeping at a gas station for a few hours, waiting for the tire shop to open and fix our flat.

We tried spray latex Fix-a-Flat but it didn't work. 

Overall the trip was quite happy.  Yesterday afternoon we got home and I napped and felt anxious and unwell.  This morning I was up at 5:30 to serve the hungry, which was mostly great, and we had two meetings.

Came home and made breakfast.  Now I have a bottle of ginger turmeric kombucha and feel sleepy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Safe in California at the weird hotel we stay at in Vallejo.  Love to all, homies and non-homies,

Monday, June 18, 2018

jai ma

We housesat and ate the veggie burgers of the people we were housesitting for.  Veggie burgers are good!  I had forgotten.

Last night at the failed pool party I played and sang "Boys Like Me" by Paul Baribeau on uke for A while he was lying on the dog couch half-asleep, and he laughed at the lyrics repeatedly.

We bought some ginger turmeric kombucha at costco today while shopping for the Worker.  Had to buy hamburgers for the Worker and we didn't get enough first try so I had to run back most of the length of the warehouse to pick up another box of 40 frozen while Ming was in line.  I gave him a look.

Today we go to California for just two nights for the Wah! concert.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

June 16 2018 Las Vegas Radical Mental Health Collective

sweet and easy

I finished the book I was reading to myself, Being-In-Dreaming by Florinda Donner.  This is one of the best books I've read in a long time.  I think I'll review it on goodreads.

I was craving shrimp for a while, so today we went to Veggie House for delicious fake shrimp.  Yumyum!

Thinking about trust, commitment, chosen family.  How exhausting it is to half-trust.

Tomorrow we're going on a brief trip.  Housesitting has been great though I haven't swam.  The little doggies are sweet and easy.

Happy father's day to Dad, wherever you are.  I feel the need to cry somewhere for a while but don't know if I have the time.  Maybe it'll slip by.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Sometimes a source of contention, in a relationship, can be a fount of energy.

This morning I went to Soul Collage.  I had fun.  It was me and J.  Ming went to the movies.

I made a card about the present and a card about the past.

R is having truck trouble so Ming is giving him a ride somewhere.  I'm guessing autozone.

We are housesitting.  We got burritos.  But gas station burritos are depressing.

Friday, June 15, 2018

stand behind my shield

My friend Devan has a beautiful new song out.


Thursday, June 14, 2018


Wednesday, June 13, 2018


We might go see a Wah concert next week in the Bay Area.  It depends.  Waiting to hear for sure from A, but I made the hotel reservations this morning.  But maybe we should go by ourselves, if A can't come.  But it's a long drive.

The swamp cooler is failing.  We have two in our house, and the one by us is the failing one.  Ming says it might need a new pump.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

three good things

Every day I play duolingo and closemaster in a effort to learn Spanish, and it feels like self-care.

This morning I wrote a poem.  I often write poem-bits but not often a whole poem.

I got this coffee concentrate from Trader Joe's, coconut flavor, and it's amazing.  You mix it with milk.

Monday, June 11, 2018


I got a new shirt.  It's pine green.  I wore it for the first time yesterday.  I like it.

"Sometimes I wish I could go into another world with you," I told A last night.  "A comfier world.  With couches."

We ate chocolate with pistachios in it.  It got melty.

This morning Ming and I did our weekly Catholic Worker costco shop.  I called J to ask how many watermelons to buy, but she didn't answer, so I bought two.  It was the right choice.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


I bought a big bag of peeled garlic from cotstco.  That's how much I hate peeling garlic.  And that's how much I love garlic.  It was just less than $9.  I wanna put it in everything.

Today Ming and R and two journalists are going to Peace Camp to fix some vandalism.  They will bring gloves to move rocks.

Last night I cooked the sweet potatoes by boiling them, and they didn't get satisfactorily soft.  I don't recommend boiling sweet potatoes!

Saturday, June 09, 2018

not sarcastic

I tried to build some bridges and was rejected, which hurt.  People we're estranged from.  I asked for forgiveness and community.  Denied.

The van, we went to autozone to see the code for the check engine light.  It's an oxygen sensor.

Then we went to the store and bought some foods.  Then A made quesadillas.  They had garlic, red bell pepper, and cilantro in them.  We prayed. 

This morning I didn't want to wake up at 5:30 to serve the hungry but did.  Then we had a meeting.  You know me--I love community meetings.

Friday, June 08, 2018


This morning I had an interview and Ming does too with someone else and is speaking for a class at UNLV about activism, charity.

R came over to borrow some tortillas and we ended up talking while he made and ate some soyrizo and egg burritos.  Then I made coffee and we played music together.  I had my uke and he had his guitar.  It was healing.

Thursday, June 07, 2018

camping trip complete

Home safe from camping!  I got good nature time.  Unfortunately the check engine light came on again, in our van, on the way home.  But we made it.  We'll take it into the shop again Monday.

Trees, tree light, tree smells, birdsong, friendship, lichen, togetherness, good food, fun.

Monday, June 04, 2018


Tomorrow we leave on our camping trip.  It's just two nights, but we will be out of touch.  Ming will hike a lot, we predict.

Ming craves pancakes.  My friend couldn't think of the word for pancake mix so thought of pancake dust, which I called poetry.

Sunday, June 03, 2018

onion hands

My hands still smell like onions from last night's dinner.  I made the rice, delicious cumin rice with onions and garlic and peas.  And I heated the beans with onions and garlic.  And A heated the tamales in the oven.  They were great but not as good as the tamales made by my familia.

A was shocked I used up all his cumin.  "I'll buy you some more," I said.  Also I agreed to buy him costco coconut oil.  He's a massage therapist and uses it all day.

We live in a friary and there are crosses on most walls of our house.  Now housesitting there are American flags here and crosses too.  Ming wanted me to tell you.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

blessed and lucky

We liked the druids.

My energy is very low.  On the phone Mom said I sounded depressed.  Maybe since it's getting summery I'm avoiding the sun extra.  I have a vitamin d deficiency.

Maybe I should go swimming.  It's so easy to stay indoors where it's nicely air conditioned, here where we're housesitting.

The water heater was leaking, Ming discovered the morning, looking for the trashcans.  So he watched a youtube video on how to turn off the hot water and turned it off.  Airing out the garage.

My feet are crampy.  Maybe I'm dehydrated.  I don't sound very healthy in this blog post.  I think of myself as blessed with health.