dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


rad dad zine book

Tonight we went to a reading in Davis. It's for a book release, the book Rad Dad which partially came out of the zine of the same name. The reading was great. I liked all the pieces. I wasn't feeling well and we almost didn't go, but I'm glad we went. I think most interesting was the essay by the woman who tried to pay her daughter not to have sex.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

strange landscape

Erik took this picture on his last backpacking trip. I find it amazing, especially the perfectly round islands. (You can click on the picture and it will display bigger and the islands will be easier to see.)

Salford Zine Library

Erik and LM Magazine 51 and functionally ill 10 are featured on Salford Zine Library's blog.


Monday, August 29, 2011

zines you should read

My friend Bettie's got some nice zine reviews here.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

goof off day

Today I didn't leave the apartment. I chatted online with my best friend for hours. Erik read to me a little bit. We talked. I made foods and ate them. I read a long letter my German penpal sent. I goofed off. I read this blog in its entirety.


Tomorrow will be different.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Guess what? I found the Andrew Bird library cd I lost. Well, Erik found it. That's $15 back.

Friday, August 26, 2011

fasolia gigantes

Erik likes these giant white beans in a jar from Trader Joe's. I guess they're Greek. I used to like them and stopped. But they'd be good to take car camping.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


"What should I blog?"
"'Wiggabajibbons is getting away with things.'"
"No one will understand that."
"That makes for a good blog, if nobody understands it."

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

mystery fruit

Erik told me he was at habitat restoration and some guy had these squash that were so delicious. He cut them up, sprinkled lime juice and red hot stuff on them, and they ate them. The guy gave him some to take home.

I was trying to figure out what they were. The guy said pepinos, or something like that, and P said they were chayote squash. I explained to Erik on the phone what chayote squash are like. But we didn't have a match.

Yesterday I came home from my long trip, and there were two lemon cucumbers on the kitchen table. I thought that was strange and they must have been left over from before my trip. I knew they were old, and I thought, "That's a shame," and threw them away.

Can you see where I'm going with this?

call for zines

Good morning, everyone. I am posting this call for zines. My new friend Craig is looking for people to send zines. I am going to send him some zines today. Craig is also looking for video clips, as explained below. I don't have a video camera so can't send a video clip, but maybe you do. Anyway, thanks for reading.


Salford Zine Library will be at Salford Art Gallery from 15 October 2011 to 29 January 2012 showing the archive along side some original artwork, film showings and workshops. Salford Zine Library is a non-profit venture which aims to create a library of self published work from around the world for all to access. The Library is based at Islington Mill, Salford (www.islingtonmill.com), home to over 50 artist studios. The library also tours the UK visiting schools, universities, public art galleries and book fares.

I am looking to show a film at the exhibition made up of short videos that contributers to the library have made of themselves. The video will explain why you personally self publish and about the zines you produce. To submit please email me your short talking head videos no longer than five minutes. I will compile and edit these together and add captions for the finished film. All are welcome to contribute to this project and I would like an eclectic range of zine makers to participate covering all the genres etc. So wherever you are making your zines it would be great to hear from you.

The Film is to show in Salford(U.K) Cardiff(U.K) Philadelphia (U.S.A) with further showings to be confirmed.

We are looking for new contributions all the time and If you would like your self-published work be to be featured in this upcoming exhibition then please post your contributions to :

Salford Zine Library
48 Landos Court
Gunson St
M40 7WT

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

welcome home, me

Well, I'm home. I left Santa Maria on an Amtrak bus at 7:05 this morning and pulled into the Sacramento Amtrak station at around 3:20. Erik picked me up, and we went to Thai food. The truck is having trouble starting, though once it starts it runs fine. This disturbs me. There's a lot of crap to take care of tomorrow morning, like a search for a lost prescription, paying for a lost cd at the library, and trying to figure out where the coolant tank is in the car and seeing whether it's empty, which might explain why the car's engine is getting so very hot according to the gauge? If we can't figure that out, we need to get the car towed to the mechanic so it can be hopefully fixed. Or fixed, hopefully. I am feeling overwhelmed by mail and email. I haven't opened it all yet, not by a long shot. So goodnight, world, and I will persevere tomorrow.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I'm back in California. When we crossed the state line, I felt I was coming home. I feel that California is truly my state. We drove through joshua tree forests, saw creosote, saw ocotillos not leafed out, not flowering. Later we saw the pacific ocean as we drove through Ventura. We got stuck in traffic near Carpenteria. I'm delirious with travel, and I sort of feel like I'm still moving. I'll see E tomorrow and take the train home the next day.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Last night we made peach empanadas. I have had way past my recommended lifetime allowance (RLA) of I Love Lucy. This morning after my walk I stood outside talking on the phone with my best friend A. I saw a bluebird and a green lacewing. I saw a flock of Canada geese walk by. Now I have good grapes, and we're going on an outing today to a different park.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


My relations are watching I Love Lucy loud, and I am not a tv-enjoying person, so I gotta flee. I've done my important emailing of the day. Oh, my niece M lost a tooth yesterday, and the Tooth Fairy came last night. The Tooth Fairy brought a dollar, Tic Tacks, and Skittles.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the lesson of the day

"We're not going to hurt anybody today. Never hurt anybody, even if you're right." That's the lesson of the day after morning tears.

Monday, August 15, 2011

pink turtle

My relations are playing Polly Pockets--they love them, for some reason--while my mom's in the shower. It's important that they're very occupied while my mom's in the shower. My dad was saying a pink turtle was a pencil eraser, and I explained to him the concept of pencil toppers which are not erasers.

"What are they for?" my dad asked.

"Decoration," I said. "Is it eraser-y?" I asked. He said he didn't know.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

in Colorado

Hi, friends. I'm in Colorado. It was raining this morning and I couldn't see the mountains well. But it's cleared up. I talked on the phone with my best friend for a long time. Today my relatives are in Durango for a birthday party, and I am recharging my solitude batteries. I expect they'll be back around...6 tonight? Maybe 7. Erik's hiking and will call late, possibly waking me up. He's hiking Mt Tinkerknob, if you can believe that.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

not swimming

Today I see my best friend E. I don't know what we'll do other than eat Indian food. I hope to spend some time outdoors. But it's not going to be warm and I don't have my bathing suit. (Last time we swam at the beach.) Erik's going to hike Cold Spring Canyon while E and I visit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today I shaved my legs for the first time in more than a year. It's so I can wear shorts around my parents when I'm with them in Colorado. They do not tolerate hair on women's legs. I listened to Sviatoslav Richter while I shaved. "Did you know I don't like this?" I asked Erik. He said he knew.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Sins Invalid

My friend AL has told me about Sins Invalid and how much she likes it (understatement) so I watched the 2008 show online--I really liked it. They're streaming it for donations through Friday.


Sins Invalid is about disability and sexuality, I'd say.

Monday, August 08, 2011

more bird stamps

Kitty's new name



Sunday, August 07, 2011

Wake up America

Today we saw the happy happy happy man in Chinatown. The sign in this video is not the current sign.

Saturday, August 06, 2011


Today nothing much happened. Did I even leave the apartment? Come to think of it, I checked the mail and that's it. Erik was doing habitat restoration and got stung by two yellow jackets. He was pulling grape vines off oak trees. Anyway, goodnight.


Erik: People care more about their games than their jobs. Don't they?

Friday, August 05, 2011


Erik wants to find me a silent keyboard.

functionally ill 10 is out

Issue ten is about using the word crazy, what mad love means to me, how my crazy manifests, and how I feel about my best friend Arrow's self-harm.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

lake shore

Today we went to Wright's Lake and Erik hiked while I sat by the shore writing letters in green ink on pink paper, reading, and getting bitten by mosquitoes. I'm really glad I went, though I might have had fun home too.

Yesterday we were in Berkeley and ran into my cop friend M who hugged me, something she never does, and it was very strange to get hugged by a cop. She was wearing a bulletproof vest.

Night before that we tried to go to BBQ vs Vegan with H and M but the bar was way, way too loud. So we went to Zelda's instead.

I am exhausted from concentrating or getting a lot of sun or something.


Lately I've been craving tres leches cake.


Wednesday, August 03, 2011

best band name ever

Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


I figured out how to use Picasa's retouch feature to excellent result.

Monday, August 01, 2011

BBQ vs Vegan

Thinking about going here with H.


nutritional yeast

My friend K was telling me she likes nutritional yeast on toast with earth balance, and I tried it for lunch today and liked it.