1. birthday present from my best friend A
2. poems from
Don Wentworth3. something from a prisoner wanting to be penpals
4. something from the same prisoner wanting to be penpals
5. something from a different prisoner wanting to talk about the zines I sent and a strange poem
6. postcard from S in Portland
7. postcard from H in Oakland <--loved it
8. zines from someone in Brooklyn
9. zines from someone in Wales
10. birthday card from church friend M
11. letter from one of my most loyal penpals R in England
12. zines from someone in Edinburgh
13. letter from new mad penpal J in Maryland
14. zines from K in Denver
15. something big from
juniperbug16. zines from
DJ FrederickMost of these I haven't opened yet. Most of the zines are for me to review--I have a new zine review blog!