lazy Sunday
But we talked to a really nice 99%er and bought Bariani olive oil and some organic pink lady apples. Then we went birding near Davis. It was good. Pictures follow. Snow geese, tundra swans, blackbirds, a meadowlark, raptors, LBJs.
Then we went to Davis to a cafe, and I got lemonade and a vegan brownie, and Erik got coffee.
Then we went to the Davis food co-op, where we got green noodles and vegan coconut peanut brittle (so good!) and a grapefruit and a stainless steel tea strainer.
Then we came home and ate green noodles, and I talked on the phone with R for an hour. It was great. I told her how I feel about goals. She explained meeting someone who she possibly had already met in a dream. She was making soymilk with a soymilk-making machine.