I'm still on a trip! Yesterday we saw elephant seals. We watched them for an hour and a half as they sparred, flipped sand onto themselves, moved along the sand, made weird sounds, but mostly just lay there. I have pictures. I think I'll wait and post a ton of pictures once I'm home again.
E and I played two wonderful alphabet games. Do you know how to play alphabet game? You pick a category and then say items that belong in that category, one for each letter of the alphabet. So for example, if you pick the category of foods, you and your friend can say apple, aebleskiver, beets, beans, cantaloupe, candy... You can get a double if you say a double like Ding Dong. Or maybe a triple for caramel cup cake. Or maybe cupcake's one word so it's only a double.
Anyway, the two categories we did were possible behavior of cows and words we associate with Wallace Stevens. The games were fantastic.
Last night in our San Simeon hotel room we stayed up late lying in bed talking about personal things. It was like a sleepover. E wore a red nightshirt. In the night she spilled her water bottle on the nightstand. I gave her a towel.
And now I'm back to the world of the internet and making this blog post for you and trying to score SAT.