dangerous compassions

I call you / from the comet's cradle

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Today Ming went on a tour of the Nevada National Security Site, aka the test site.  Ming went with a few United Statesians, but mostly a bus full of Japanese.  I didn't want to go because it's an all day thing and I'd be stuck in the bus for hours and hours with very emotional subject matter.

So I spent the day with friends.  We served the hungry, peace vigiled at the federal building, had a poetry group meeting, ate lunch, and baked banana bread.  It was fun.

Now I'm home alone drinking cold brew blackberry green tea.

We sprouted some garbanzo beans, and I learned the trick that that only need 24 hours--12 hours soak, 12 hours sprout.  I tried a few and they're good.  I want to make hummus out of them.  It will be my first time making a raw hummus.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

more of an idea than a blog post

more of an idea than a song

for you

On one of the beets we picked yesterday, I saw a green thing.  "Oh look," Ming said.  I thought it would be a bug.  But it was a piece of green glass stuck to the skin of the beet.

This morning I was handing out bread at the soup line.  Ming went to help someone old serve soup, so I was alone.  Someone touched a piece of bread, and another person told him, "Don't touch the bread!"

"Why don't you mind your own business?" the other guy replied.  It didn't escalate too bad.

Someone outside is whistling.  I wrote a poem yesterday.  And that's a nice jumble of facts.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

farm time

sweet beets

Last night I had the chills again--maybe I had another fever.  But then I slept about 12 hours and woke up feeling great.

We went to Gillcrease Farm with friends for apricots and greens, but they didn't have apricots today.  We picked enough greens for the soup line.  And we picked some beets too.

So then we came home and I cooked up the beet greens and roasted the beets and made pesto pasta salad while friends fixed our swamp cooler.  It was all very good, especially the beets, which were sweet.

Monday, April 27, 2015

museum ceiling



Last night we went to Govinda House for the Sunday night bhakti fest.  I liked the chanting but not the talk.  And the food was good.  Is it worth sitting through the talk for the chanting and the food?

I want to try out this meditation group at the library on Sunday afternoons and see if that suits me better.  But Ming will just fall asleep.

This morning Ming is at Jiffy Lube.  The Echo was overdue.  I hung the clean laundry on the line, wrote my bestie a letter.

Our friend left at 3:30 this morning so we have the house to ourselves again.

Yesterday friends fixed our swamp cooler.  It needed a new motor.  Tomorrow they fix the house's other swamp cooler.  It's a good thing because it's supposed to hit 97 on Thursday.

I'm still sick but in fine spirits.  Yesterday we took photos for Wave Goodbye to Nukes day and visited our friend C at the Goddess Temple.  She served us cake!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

waving goodbye to nukes

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger here again. We just returned from a rained out Vaisakhi Mela. The Indian food was delicious and the dancing great before we had to run and escape through the falling cold sleet.

Before then was a Nevada Desert Experience Council meeting that was successful, though I volunteered for one too many things.

Other than that we are settling in to Las Vegas spending the last month getting things done that will help our stay in the state of Nevada. We received our Nevada state driver's licenses, made medical type appointments, and been cleaning this residence out of a number of years of accumulated stuffs. We also have been creating storage space in the shed to store the Sacred Peace Walk equipment and other event items.

Tomorrow we are waving bye to Nuclearism in the GlobalWave2015 at the NNSS. I hope to post pics.

Friday, April 24, 2015

home pics

Thursday, April 23, 2015


I'm sick at a Starbux waiting for Ming to get help with his health insurance options from a friend of a friend. Not only am I sick, but my warmness smells disgusting because it was in the trunk with Ming's nasty new offgassing gloves. My nose runs--I sneeze. My throat hurts. My left ear feels weird. I have a feeling of unreality. I belong in bed, but I'll be there soon. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

catholic worker chickens


Printers are a pita.  I wanted to type, "I've been wrestling with my printer today," but I felt I had already typed that sentence too many times, for this blog. 

I'm trying to print a calendar for next year.  Something is erring.  We tried many fixes to no avail.

This morning serving was pretty good.  Someone put her bag on my bread, which sucked.  Otherwise it was great.  J asked me how I was doing, and I said wonderful.  In that moment I was wonderful.

I gave J one of my zines, then another--she loves them.  I feel appreciated.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

power failure

Last night I lost all my energy.  I napped then slept for an amazing amount of hours.  So we didn't make it to the open mic after all.

This evening I cook for community dinner.  Should be tasty.  I'm making enchiladas, rice, beans from a can, and Ming is in charge of salad.

Ming's trying to throw things away that have accumulated in this house for many years.  I need to save my spoons for this evening's cooking session.  Luckily we already did the shopping.  I need to do some horrid shit like go to the welfare office.  But today's not the day.

Monday, April 20, 2015

queer food

Today we went to the LGBTQ center.  We wanted to check and see if the open mic was there tonight, and we heard there was a vegan cafe.

The place was really nice, and our food was delicious.  We got a sandwich called the Woop-Woop as well as some babaganoush and a peanutbutter snickerdoodle.  I didn't really care for the babaganoush which lacked creaminess.  But everything else was great.

Not everything was vegan, but the workers were attentive and kind and helpful.  Flirty, even.

Before that we went to the Food Not Bombs serving to hang out with friends.  We talked about all sorts of events.

The apricots we picked on Saturday are ripe now, and they smell wonderful and taste good too with some tartness.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

happy earth day

what Ming dug

to the desert

This morning I cooked up most of the kale we harvested yesterday and we're eating it in breakfast burrito form.  As for the apricots, they're still hard as rocks.

I love cold brew tea.  In fact I'm starting to get uppity about it, like it's superior to hot brew tea.

Yesterday I finished a poem about my ex-therapist.  In June I'll open the letter she wrote me.  I like the time delay.

Today's Earth Day celebration at the goddess temple so we'll go out there.  I like the drive out to the desert.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

today at the farm

Friday, April 17, 2015


Somehow we made it home. Today M dug fossils!  Pics to follow. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

great salt lake

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

hare krishna

By the way, we stopped at the Krishna temple in Spanish Fork. 


We are in Utah!  Woo hoo!  It snowed on us a lot. It is very snowy here in Salt Lake City.  Zion was beautiful. Gnight. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


This morning I saw my new new psychiatrist.  This one was nice.  He was the opposite of the last one.

Monday, April 13, 2015


wireless card, potato salad, acrobats

This morning we woke up early and went out shopping.  We got some cleaning products, foods, and computer stuff.  We went to Fry's for the computer stuff, which was nice.  Ming is trying to set things up now.

And there was a Whole Foods by the Fry's, so we went in for some miso for Ming.  He's a miso kind of guy.

I'm cooking up some potatoes for potato salad.  I've got cold brewed tea.  Tonight there's a free kirtan concert at the university.

Life feels good right now.

I keep seeing billboards for circus shows and thinking there must be so many acrobats.  All these acrobats.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

lip balm joy

I needed some lip balm or something to keep my lips from getting so dry they split.  The desert!  I need to learn how to be a desert dweller.

So I thought I could put some coconut oil in a little dish and put some on my lips every morning and night and maybe that would work.  First I thought olive oil--then I changed my mind to coconut oil.

But then we went to the farmers market this morning and I got some shea butter with almond oil salve that I can use on my lips.  It's lovely.  It's in a little glass jar.

Then I went to the Hawaiian guy and got some lip balm from him that has these great Hawaiian stuffs in it.  It smells like mint and oregano, which is nice.

I am so happy now my lips will be well.  I was going to settle for some nasty storebought stuff but there was no need to compromise.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


I forgot to tell you I started working on a zine reviewing all the Indian food restaurants in Las Vegas. 

mail day

This morning we served the hungry and went to a not-bad meeting.  Then we drove out to the Goddess Temple.  The weather was perfect: slightly cool with a breeze.

We waited an hour for someone to show up and had a nice time waiting.  I sat at a picnic table writing letter after letter.

Then Ming helped the guy construct the pavilion.  They made some progress.

Then we drove home with a friend in the car and stopped at a Smith's for some groceries.  It seemed to take forever.

Now I feel sick but am drinking watered down grape juice and getting a bunch of mail ready to send.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Creech last week

This was during the Sacred Peace Walk last week, at Creech Air Force Base as we vigiled at the entrance.  I look way too happy considering the tombstone I hold, but Ming and I were singing there.  Photo by Ina Dijstelberge.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

soldiers & civilians

good puppy

Ming in the puppy apron at the soup line this morning. 

check engine

This morning we served and washed pots.  This morning we had sandwiches for breakfast.  This morning we take our car to Doug's to see if he can find out why the Check Engine light is on.  We hoped it was the hose R found disconnected and reconnected.  But the light stayed on all day yesterday though we drove a long time.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

enjoying spring

Our friend who left left us some Minute Rice.  I remember it being rubbery, when I had it before.  Like 20 years ago.  Now it tastes fine.

Today we served the hungry and washed pots.  It was good.  Then we went for a walk.  Then we went to lunch at the Worker.  We had veggie rice and potato salad.

Then we went out to Cactus Springs to the Goddess Temple.  We had tea with the priestess and two other people.  They were talking about gender for a long time.

I am odd and don't get what I need.  But we made dinner and it's a beautiful spring day.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015


Tonight is community dinner and Ming is helping our friend R make foods. Later R will look at Little Sir Echo. 

I had so much psychiatrist angst that they made me switch to a new psychiatrist who I'll meet next week. 

Monday, April 06, 2015

good Easter times

Last night we had fun at the Easter party.  We have good friends.  We ate beets, asparagus, stuffed mushrooms, bread and butter, and potato salad.  Others had ham.  We hand-cranked homemade ice cream--vanilla--that was custardy.  It was made with eggs.  Our friend G made it from an old cookbook from the 1940s.

Then they played a demonstration hand of Oh Hell.  I mostly got it.  I wonder if it's fun to actually play.  The scorekeeping looked complicated.

I am home alone because Ming is working on the Earthship.  But he'll be here soon.  Oh, here he is.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

big art

park life

We went for a walk at a park I like with a springy track. Now we're at a different park waiting for an event that was supposed to start 15 minutes ago. But Food Not Bombs will be here in a little while. 

Ming is looking at maps. 


Tonight we're going to Easter dinner at our friends' house.  I think it will be fun.  I want to dress up but don't have good dressup clothes right now.  I got rid of a bunch when we moved.  And even then my shoes don't work with skirts.

Fashion woes!  I'm sitting in bed having just woken up then emailing a friend.  Hungry for breakfast.  I remember getting Easter baskets as a kid and eating a lot of chocolate.  A big chocolate bunny, biting its ears off, etc.  Cheap Easter chocolate.

The sunlight looks so pretty on the curtain this morning.  I like new beginnings.

Friday, April 03, 2015

they eventually succeeded

Friends trying to get open the locked door of a running truck at the Goddess Temple in the desert.  

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

blocking the road into Creech Air Force Base