Yesterday we went to Barnes & Noble to look at a book, but it sucked so I didn't buy it. I was glad I got the chance to look at it.
Well, let me start over. First we walked. Then we served. Then we went to Walmart to recycle some plastic bags and air pillows.
Then I researched metaphysical bookstores and called a few looking for a particular book and having no luck.
Then we went to Barnes & Noble. I am attracted to some colorful planners. They start this summer. I want to go to school this fall. But I'd have to pay out of state tuition, and screw that! So I guess I gotta wait a year?
Then we went to Chinatown and I got boba. I got chocolate, and it was so good.
Then I was tired. But we ended up going to this wonderful, amazing bookstore called Writer's Block. The selection is sort of small, but the books are well-chosen. We bought a humor book of mythology called
Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes. I told the long-haired Asian worker that Writer's Block reminded me of the Museum of Jurassic Technology, and he said he had heard of it but never been there.
The bookstore rejuvenated me. Then we went to a metaphysical bookstore that I didn't like at all. There were too many dead things. Some of the jewelry was nice. But I felt peered at by the owners.
The metaphysical bookstore drained me. Then we went home.
Oh, I forgot to say we also went to Whole Foods for mushroom-flavored better than bouillon and lotsa tea. And some organic strawberry jam. I got vanilla-flavored dandelion tea, and it's so good.
Now that I have ground flax seeds, chia seeds, and cinnamon, I like refrigerator oatmeal again. I got chia seeds at a Mexican grocery store for cheap.
I want to go to school for Spanish and ASL, two things I have trouble learning on my own. I said I'd never go to school again, but maybe I need to make an exception for languages. I'm studying some Spanish on my own right now. It's hard work and I don't know if it's sticking.