This morning we walked to the co-op. We saw on a light post: You are a being of limitless, boundless worth. It was nice.
I really liked this jean jacket for years but didn't wear it much, and it doesn't fit well anymore, so I'm freecycling it. I don't need it. So someone's picking it up at 10:45. I thought it was too good for Goodwill, that it would get lost among everything.
I started doing morning pages and meditating again this morning. And I drew. I enjoyed the drawing. I like feeling like I'm accomplishing something early. It's better than checking my email immediately.
The other day after apple picking Ming and I read the Robert Frost poem together "
After Apple Picking" and enjoyed it. I told him how for me it was about teaching Here's an excerpt.
For I have had too much
Of apple-picking: I am overtired
Of the great harvest I myself desired.
There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,
Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall.
He looked up some online cheating website for analysis of the poem, and they just talked about apples and death. So he doubted me, that it can be about a former job. I played the master's degree card.