Tomorrow's the MLK Jr parade that we've prepared for so much. Well, I haven't prepared for it much, but others have. I'm making the afterparty Ethiopian food, and it will be good, I hope. I've made the dishes before, but never in such quantity.
I hope I get the seasonings right for the mesir wot. I need to err on the side of mild.
Today we took it easy. I bound a lot of zines. I helped serve Food Not Bombs. I got my favorite drink at the Bronze Cafe.
Ming's chopping ten onions and a lot of garlic for me. Tomorrow he'll be at the parade and it hurts my wrist / arm / shoulder / neck to chop much.
Ming got out the table we're going to bring, a table that folds in half and the legs fold up. We need to get out the bowls and spoons too. Everything's got to be ready to go.
Today I called R to ask him if he's writing a little speech for the parade, to say in front of the judges. I thought that was the procedure. He said they didn't do it last year. I told him we should do it to get more publicity for ourselves and our upcoming Sacred Peace Walk. He said he'd think about it. I said he could run it by me, if he decides to do it, to make sure it's good.
I'm already thinking about food for Sacred Peace Walk. I found a piece of paper in the glovebox, a little to do list from last Sacred Peace Walk, and thought it might be useful. I have a Sacred Peace Walk food binder with stuff from last year.
I've been dreaming about it too. I like those Sacred Peace Walk dreams. Even when things so awry and get dystopian, I like those dreams.