Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Boulder day two
how our hotel room is sketchy
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Boulder day one
Friday, May 27, 2016
a day in Cheyenne
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Terry's Bison Ranch
Then we went to the Cheyenne botanic gardens but couldn't see inside the greenhouses--they were closed. Actually we only found one greenhouse. There was loud construction going on and loud music for the workers. But we walked the labyrinth while listening to "Sweet Home Alabama."
Then we went to Terry's Bison Ranch where we rode a homemade train around the ranch and saw a herd of bison, including some babies. It was amazing. We had bison food pellets for them, and we took turns feeding the bison by hand. It was like feeding a cow by hand.
The other people on the train were cowboys and a cowgirl and they asked really good questions of the tourguide, questions we would never have known to ask. They were a blessing. They were coming back in the summer to help with the rodeo.
The homemade trains were fun. The one we rode made a lot of noise, so the tourguide had to yell to be heard over it. We made a quick dip into Colorado. The ranch is huge.
I liked when we were feeding the bison and were stopped for a long time. I sat by the open window, close to the bison, and was blissed out. They used to be my favorite animal, other than human beings, but I don't know what my favorite animal is anymore. "That was like a religious experience," I told Ming as we walked away.
So I don't know if that was the highlight of the trip. It's 100% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. There's an indoor pool and Ming went swimming last night. Maybe he'll swim again.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
on the road
Monday, May 23, 2016
This demo lacks one of the two singers. I think the other singer adds a lot. I liked her very much. So that's unfortunate.
I like how their songs have movements. I like songs with different parts. Seems more complex and interesting that way. It makes them seem longer too.
The picnic had too many dogs for us. Sometimes they played and I was afraid of them playing near me.
Ming has done a wonderful thing. He's put a cooler and a paper grocery bag in the special place on our kitchen floor which is the place we put things for a trip before we load them in the car. I can put some snacks I like into the paper bag and we will be one step more ready for our Wyoming trip.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
the things we do
Today we have Food Not Bombs. Beforehand we see a friend's chickens. Then a friend is playing music at a restaurant. Then we have a party about a time bank. There's also the punk picnic.
Tomorrow Ming does permaculture work at the Catholic Worker house. Then he attempts to send the newsletters at the special post office place where permit mail is sent.
Then Tuesday we leave on our trip! Yay yay yay!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
let him go
Friday, May 20, 2016
Can I go to bed now? It's not 7 but I'm out of spoons.
I got this Ganesha necklace. It makes me feel good. It's brass.
I need to get my pics off my phone if I want to be able to take pictures during our Wyoming trip. It's full again. I wish they made it easier.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
bad pretzel
Yesterday I sat in a Target foodcourt, one of the most miserable places I have ever sat waiting for Ming while he was at an appointment. The florescent lights blared above me. Everyone seemed sad. My soft pretzel was no consolation. In fact, it was kind of nasty. Pretzel salt could not redeem it.
It didn't have that chewy, pretzely goodness. It was more like pathetic bread.
I read some mail, wrote a letter to my friend in Manchester, and read my book about Wyoming. It starts with an overview then Cheyenne, which is great.
I felt bad for all the people in red shirts working shit jobs for not enough pay. For the guy working the register who had to tell person after person that the oven so broken so no pizza, no breadstix. No churros either.
PMB wants a do over of his birthday. We didn't celebrate because he wasn't up for it, but I guess now he is. He wants to go to Veggie House then have a party. I volunteered to make plain popcorn. I asked what kind of soda pop is vegan.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
three neat things
Something else which was nicely surprising, bottom shelf of the "look what's new" endcap: vegan marshmallows! Haven't tried those yet, though.
And organic strawberries that taste very nice, though it's hard to please me with strawberries that were not picked fresh that day. I am spoiled by the strawberries of my homeland.
dessert vs desert
This morning we went to the goddess temple and sang for a long time. Then Ming slept on the floor on cushions while I rang the bell. I rang the bell and danced.
Then we went for a walk in the desert. It was rattlesnake-free.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
bean trouble
Meanwhile, the rice is good.
Maybe our beans are too old. We are using old dusty donated beans. They're free.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
in which our hero is shocked
Our meeting this morning was okay. I liked it up until the end when someone got angry and stormed out.
Talking about poverty, intentional poverty, and whether we're Catholic Workers. Ming came home from the movie saying we're Catholic Workers, which shocks me. But I guess it was the intentional poverty thing that was the only issue holding him back.
I got my special number from the community college. But I can't figure out when I can register for fall. Some basic facts are hard to find. I don't think it's me--I think it's them.
Political prisoner letter writing night at Rainbow's End this evening.
Friday, May 13, 2016
quilt be gone
I also registered for the local community college. But they were supposed to send me a link and it never came through. So I don't have my number.
I'll have to prove my residency too, which is hard since I'm not a normal human being.
H and Ming got the swamp coolers set up yesterday and we never turned them off so it's cold in here, but it's supposed to hit 99 today.
Ming is out at a permaculture workday at the Catholic Worker. Soup this morning was vegan, made with TVP, and Ming brought some home for me. Delicious!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Lhakpa Sherpa
I don't want to climb any mountains, but I found it kind of inspiring.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Do you know how swamp coolers work? There's a pad made of birch that has to stay wet. Air is forced. They work pretty well up to 90-something. I think you need new birch pad every year. So he has to get up on the roof.
What size is it? You have to buy it in a roll. You cut it yourself.
There was some facebook drama. I decided not to say anything. Jackassery occurred, but I don't want to step into the debate because my community is at stake. Strong feelings, youngness, black & white thinking. Name calling. Finger pointing. Taking things personally. I hate facebook.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
how much for that deity in the window
"Isn't that wild?" I asked. "Do you think they meant gold, or god? If they're selling God, I'll buy him! How about you?"
"I don't know," Ming said.
Monday, May 09, 2016
trip analysis
Sunday, May 08, 2016
hello from Utah
Saturday, May 07, 2016
Friday, May 06, 2016
It's going to be a cool weekend. Then next week it's supposed to hit 99 on Friday. Like last year I'm saying, "I'm not ready." I guess it's time to get the swamp coolers going.
I have this tea with stevia in it, and I've decided I don't like the sweetness. I've heard it's natural but it still tastes fake, to me.
Today's farmers market. It's also First Friday so there's art to see. We might go to an opening.
I want to tell you something brilliant and beautiful. You are loved.
Thursday, May 05, 2016
beans recipe
Drain the beans and put in fresh water to cover. Put them on high and bring to a rolling boil. Then simmer.
Add about two diced onions and several cloves minced garlic. (Don't add salt yet or the beans won't cook right.)
Simmer, stirring occasionally, for two hours. Then add two teaspoons salt and a can of drained carrots. (If you'd rather use fresh carrots, you can do that--just add them at the beginning with the onions and garlic.) You can also add a can of diced tomatoes, including the tomato juice.
Cook, partially covered with a lid, for an additional two hours or until the beans are done and falling apart, adding a little more water at times to keep the beans covered with water. Then add a generous amount of black pepper and stir. Taste and add more salt if needed.
Then eat with rice. Note: This recipe works with other kinds of beans too.
rice recipe
Add two cups of rice and stir. Then add four an a halt cups of water. Then add a can of drained peas.
Bring to a good, rolling boil then cover and turn the heat all the way down. Cook for 18 minutes, if you used white rice, or 38 minutes, if you used brown. Don't take off the lid. Let the rice sit with the lid on for five or ten minutes.
Then eat.
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
food for the body and soul
I like pancakes but almost never make them--it was sad to see the pancake mix go, but I know I couldn't use it up. They were mega packages.
Last night for community dinner I made beans and rice and greens. They went over well. It's the same stuff I make for Food Not Bombs, so I got it down by now. The beans are time consuming but easy. The rice--I burn it sometimes. Oh well. We put it into another vessel so nobody would scrape the bottom and get the burnt stuff.
Last night we were feeling good and got along well at the table. R read a poem I wrote about the community called "love poem." It's about how all of us express love, our special ways. It went over as well as the food.
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
In my dream last night several people had black eyes. I mean like a bruise in their eye sockets.
Ming's out getting the oil changed and buying me Mexican onions. We bought more popcorn yesterday after his yoga class. The worker said, "Weren't you just here? I remember you."
Monday, May 02, 2016
food news, sadness
Ming's cooking up artichokes--I told him he would have to do it because I don't know how to make artichokes. We thought he cooked them long enough, but the leaves or petals or whatever wouldn't come off easily, so he's cooking them longer.
I bought this German book about some heroes--I thought it was a slightly different edition of a book I knew, but it turns out the books are same dimensions, same color, very similar pic on the front, but two different books. Weird.
I bought what I thought was the duplicate to give a friend for her reading pleasure, but now it wouldn't make sense.
Today I feel a sadness that vegan mushroom gravy can't cure. Music can't either. Some clouds outside look like Simpsons clouds, though. That's kinda cool.
I gave my speech and did a pretty good job.
There were no incidents where someone needed first aid.
But there was an incident where someone almost got arrested. She was detained but let go. "Let her go! Let her go!" the crowd chanted. I'm glad it didn't get ugly.
I've been binding zines with green hemp and watching a Terence McKenna movie.