Yesterday I went out with my friend H. We met at the
rose garden in McKinley park. We had lunch at a Nepalese place and got hot drinks at True Love Cafe. Then we went to a gallery called
Cool Cat to see the documentary I had been looking forward to for weeks--it's called
Breasts, and it consists mostly of women talking about their breasts. I really suggest it. Afterwards we had a discussion, and though I didn't speak, it was a dream come true for me, because for all of my adult life I've been looking for a feminist group to participate in.
Next month we're watching
Private Dicks, which is the same type of movie but with men talking about their penises.
For weeks there have been notices on our street saying no parking on certain days because of road work, and the dates kept getting pushed back. Well, today they seem to be doing the bulk of their work, and I hope they'll finally finish so we won't have to worry anymore about whether our vehicles will get towed if we leave them on the street the wrong days.
I wanted to go to Vedanta this morning to do some gardening, but I was too afraid of the street being closed when I tried to come back, so instead I went for a walk. I ran into the man known only as the Walking Man, and he had a miniature conversation with me. He wished me a happy Halloween and said he sees me walking a lot with my boyfriend. (Erik and I have been married for five years, so it's funny to hear someone refer to him as my boyfriend.) I said that I see him walking a lot too. He wears a blue Mickey Mouse teeshirt often.
I think all the people who live in his house are mentally ill. That's the only reason I can think of--none of them have jobs, but they don't appear to have any physical ailments. I think they're on SSI and live together in abject poverty. The Walking Man collects CRV bottles and aluminum cans as he walks, and I've seen him turning them in at the recycling place across the street.
For a long time the Walking Man and I adamantly ignored one another. In fact, he seemed to hate me. Then one day I cautiously waved. Since then we've had a waving relationship. Today when I saw him I smiled really big, for some reason, and maybe that's why he decided to have the miniature conversation with me.