Yesterday I was so relieved when my project scored out. Then at 4 Erik took me to my friend H's house in West Sacramento. It was my first time there. She lives with a married couple C and J. I was going to watch a
Mage game.
I had already met most of the people who were at the game at H's tea party a couple months ago. At the tea party, seated next to me was a charmer named B who tried to engage me in conversation and kept making bad moves. For example, he wanted to talk about movies, but I don't watch movies. Then he tried to talk about poetry and failed. We ended up mildly frustrated but amused.
Across from me at the tea party was a cute couple named J and I forget the guy's name. They both came wearing jester hats. I really liked J's good naturedness, her good heartedness, and her slow, musical way of speaking.
Anyway, as I was outside H's house, not sure which house was hers, calling her on her cell phone and getting no answer, I saw a car pull up full of people and recognized J in the back seat. I was relieved because I knew they would know which house to go to. B recognized me, and I went to shake his hand, but he hugged me. He was wearing a suit and tie. His main character is Sterling, and that's how Sterling dresses.
I won't recount every detail of the game, but I will say that I spent most of my time with H, B, and J, which was just good luck. Their characters are all in the same cabal. The game started with cabal meetings, so the group split in two. I stayed with H and enjoyed watching them play.
Rather than dice they use cards as random number generators. About 15 years ago I watched one D&D game at the home of strangers, but I was only there for a short time and felt bewildered. So this Mage game was pretty much the first role playing game I had ever witnessed.
It was still passover, so we ate pizza made on matzo crackers. Also, there was a sponge cake with warm berries.
Erik picked me up at 9. I enjoyed my time but was ready to go. Paying such close attention to people I don't know very well was exhausting. I hugged H hello and goodbye. She suggested we get coffee soon. I said something noncommittal though I would love to see her.