Today I got a package in the mail from an artist named Bryan Babylon. It actually came yesterday, but we didn't get it until today. We were leaving the apartment for a walk this morning, and it was before us on the floor. It was a package sealed with black duct tape, slightly heavy and very substantial. A couple weeks ago, I sent him all three
functionally ills, so he sent me art. Unfortunately, the glass one broke. I'm keeping the largest shard--it's beautiful. He also sent something he painted. It's beautiful too. And some papers that were done in magic marker, and a collage. He sent a great deal of art, and I'm pleased, but it's really sad that the glass broke.
He said he'll make a cover for me, and I'm happy because I need a cover for
functionally ill #4. It's not ready yet, but I'm all out of cover ideas.
Big news in my little world: it looks like the bookstore boss is quitting. P told me that the bookstore boss has been thinking about it for a while, and I think today might have been the day. So who will run the bookstore now?
Something strange happened. P asked, "So are you going to come back?" as if I had quit the bookstore, but I never quit. I just wanted to.
"So are you going to come back?" asked D, who was there. (This was after choir practice, and we were in the atrium.)
"I didn't think I ever quit!" I said.
"Well, I heard you threw a book at him and stormed out!" D said.
"Thew a book at him?!" I asked.
"I'm just kidding," D said, and she gave me a big hug. "It was just a question, whether you were coming back. It was a question mark," she said, and she drew a question mark in the air.
So I guess P has been telling people that I might quit, because D had the idea that I had quit, which is very nice in a way, because then I might have quit without officially quitting, and it would be all over.
But if the bookstore boss quits, then there's no reason for me to quit. But who will run the place? It's been suggested that two people will co-run it, the two women other than me. I doubt either could do the bookkeeping, is the only thing. And there's no way I'm doing the bookkeeping. Maybe the bookstore will fall apart.
Erik's writing haiku. I'm listening to '80s music and about to read some feminist sci-fi or maybe finish juicing those oranges.