This day has been a cluster of fudge.
Friends blocked the 95 and were arrested. Come to find out they're being held on $2000 bail. Plus a daughter was arrested who wasn't originally arrested. She is an English teacher in Chicago.
Anyway, we drove a friend to pick up her stuff. But the roommates / former roommates? weren't home. So we went out to Mexican food. Meanwhile we decided to pull $2000 and pay bail for our friend King Ron.
The nearest credit union was in Henderson, so we went out there, but it turns out Ming didn't have his wallet or id. Ooops. So our friend drove us all the way home.
Meanwhile the banks are closed. I did some research and found out the bail place takes visa and mastercard. So I was ready to go pay it.
But then R called and there was no record so he's been released. But where is he? I have his car, keys, cell phone, charger, cigarettes... Wrote a poem about the cigarettes.
So he must be out but I don't know where. He couldn't walk far. He needed to write someone's phone number on his arm before he got arrested.
Now Ming's out with our friend again to look and see if the roommates / former roommates are home again.
I've been up since 4:30 and am out of my mind. I wish R would come back with a happy, free King Ron, released and unscathed. R said he'd take a look. But he hasn't come home, so I don't think he found him.